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Strömgatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden
(+46) 322.170.71

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Site Rules

Warehouse One Rules and Regulations 

Site / Game Brief

Welcome to Warehouse One. 

For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, please listen to or read and follow the following rules and regulations:

General Conduct

  1. Respect and Sportsmanship: Treat all players, Marshals, and staff with respect. Unsportsmanlike behaviour, including verbal abuse, physical altercations, or cheating, will not be tolerated.
  2. Honesty: Call your hits honestly. Airsoft relies on the honour system. If you are hit, acknowledge it immediately by raising your hand and follow the hit rules for that particular game.
  3. Alcohol and Drugs: No alcohol or illegal drugs are permitted on the premises. Participants we feel to be under the influence will be asked to leave site immediately with no refund given.

Safety Rules

  1. Eye Protection: Approved eye protection must be worn at all times while in the game zone. Goggles or full-face masks must meet minimum safety guidelines. For information if you are unsure then please speak to one of the Marshals.
  2. Face Protection: Full-face protection is mandatory for all players under the age of 18. We highly recommended full face protection for all players. Mesh masks, balaclavas, Dye masks or other suitable protection can be used.
  3. Chronograph Testing: All airsoft guns must be chronographed before use in the game zone. Maximum limits are:
    • AEGs: 350 FPS on a 0.20g BB
    • Gas / Co2 pistols and shotguns: 350fps on a 0.20 BB
    • Bolt Action Sniper Rifles: 350fps on a 0.20 BB
  1. Engagement Distance: You can shoot each other at any distance in the game zone. We do not operate a “BANG BANG” rule here. 
  2. We operate a strict BB weight usage of 0.20 or 0.25 Grams. Anyone who is using heavier or lighter weights than the above will be asked to change weight immediately or potentially asked to leave site without refund.
  1. Blind Firing: Do not blind fire. You must have a clear line of sight when shooting.

Game Zone and Playing Rules

  1. Hit Rules: When hit, immediately call out “HIT,” raise your hand, and move to the designated respawn / safe area or following the rules for the game you are playing. Ricochets which no doubt will occur do not count as hits.
  2. Respawn Rules: Follow the specific respawn rules outlined for each game scenario..
  3. Grenades and Smoke: Only Warehouse One approved grenades are allowed to be used on site. Explosive and firework devices are prohibited. A grenade seen within a 3-meter radius without a hard cover barrier counts as a hit. We allow the use of sound impact or delay  devices up to MK5. You may also use moscart shells and BB gas / Co2 grenades. The use of military grade smokes and sound devices is prohibited. If you are unsure if you can use your device please speak to a Marshall.
  4. Melee Weapons: Only rubber or foam melee weapons are permitted. 

Equipment Rules

  1. Ammo: Only plastic 0.20 or 0.25 BBs are permitted. No metal, gel soft or glass BBs.
  2. Camouflage and Clothing: Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for indoor activities. If you are unsure of the appropriate clothing then please speak with a Marshall of member of Warehouse One staff. 
  3. Game Briefing: Listen carefully to all pre-game briefings. Ensure you understand the game objectives, boundaries, and rules for each scenario. If you are unsure of the game objective then please speak to the nearest Marshall who will be able to help.
  4. Boundaries: Stay within the designated playing area. Do not leave the game zone without speaking with a Marshall. Do not wear any equipment outside of the building other than your clothing. Magazines, Holsters and guns must be packed away and not visible to the general public.
  5. Marshall Authority: Please follow all instructions from marshals. Their decisions are final. They are there to help you have a safe and enjoyable time at Warehouse One. Should you have any need to speak about a Marshals conduct then please speak to Lee or Chris during office hours. 

Emergency Procedures

  1. Injuries: Report all injuries to a Marshall or Warehouse One staff member immediately. First aid will be administered as necessary by fully qualified first aiders.
  2. Emergency Evacuation: In case of an emergency, follow the staff’s instructions for evacuation. Do not run; exit calmly and orderly without any of your Airsoft equipment .

End of day and leaving site

  21.    Please ensure that all kit is collected from the safe zone and not visible when leaving the site.     When leaving the site and the area please ensure that noise is kept to a minimum and due care is given to the neighbours, both in adjacent industrial building and private residences. 

Non-compliance with these rules may result in ejection from the game and Warehouse One  without a refund.

By participating, you agree to adhere to these rules and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.


What is Airsoft 

Airsoft is a competitive team shooting sport where participants eliminate opponents by hitting them with spherical plastic pellets launched from replica firearms called Airsoft guns. These guns are designed to resemble real firearms and come in various types, including pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles. The game is similar to paintball but uses smaller projectiles and often emphasises military simulation and tactical gameplay.

Key Features of Airsoft:

  1. Replica Firearms: Airsoft guns are detailed replicas of real guns, often indistinguishable from their real counterparts in appearance. They are powered by electric motors, compressed gas, or manually via spring mechanisms.
  2. Ammunition: The sport uses 6mm or 8mm plastic BBs as ammunition, which are less painful upon impact compared to paintballs due to their smaller size and lighter weight.
  3. Gameplay: Airsoft games can vary widely in format, from casual backyard skirmishes to highly organised events. Common game types include capture the flag, elimination, team death-match, and milsim (military simulation), which can span several hours or even days.
  4. Safety: Safety is a paramount concern in Airsoft. Players are required to wear protective gear, most importantly eye protection, to prevent injuries. Additional gear like face masks, gloves, and padded clothing is also recommended.
  5. Community and Events: Airsoft has a strong community aspect, with many players joining local teams or clubs. Major events and competitions can attract hundreds of participants and are often held at specialised fields or abandoned structures to enhance realism.
  6. Legal and Ethical Considerations: The legality of Airsoft varies by country and region. Players are expected to follow all local laws and regulations, including those related to the transport and use of replica firearms. Good sportsmanship and honesty are also emphasised, as the sport relies on an honour system for calling hits.

Airsoft provides an adrenaline-filled experience that combines physical activity, strategy, and teamwork, making it a popular hobby for enthusiasts of all ages.